blah+blog = blahg

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Yes, this is a blahg not a blog. I have no clear intentions why I'm doing this, let alone knowing what to blahg about. I don't even know if I have a particular audience or genre. Not even sure if someone will read it. That explains why I'm calling it a blahg. It's all conceived by whim. No cohesive, intelligent concept. It’s just a meaningless way of blogging characterized by incoherence and fragmentary thoughts. Or worse yet, an alternative form of literary dialogue with topics ranging from the most stupid to the least intelligent ramblings.

And because this is a blahg, expect nothing but a hodgepodge of yada yada. I will be throwing in my photography in the mix. So be prepared to get dazzled (if not nauseated). And if your life was perfect and you wanted to mess it up a l'il bit then please subscribe to my blahg and click this link.

Expect a weekly feeding of ridiculous awesomeness.


The Horses Died in the Battle (India, 1996)

December 05, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

The Horses Died in the BattleThe Horses Died in the Battle

Armed with a Canon point-and-shoot (my very first camera given to me as a gift), I took this photo in  1996 during my very first backpacking trip. In 6 weeks, I explored India and Nepal by myself which I think was quite bold for a newbie in shoestring budget traveling. That trip, without a doubt, paved the way for me to embrace the passion in exploring different places outside my comfort zone. It made me appreciate the wonders of our world that is teeming with life and beauty. I have become an insatiable wanderer since. 19 years later, here I am on my way to retrace my backpacking route in India and Nepal. On December 7th, with no hotel reservations at all, I am diving right into the heart of one of the world's most densely populated cities: NEW DELHI. The megapolis will serve as my starting point of what will be a 6-week cultural immersion where I hope to meet as many people as I could; hoping that good Samaritans offer acts of kindness and a corner to crash in for the night. This is going to be one awesome heck of a ride. I am packing with me a lot of positive energy and a tremendous amount of open mindedness. Come along with me and let's meet our friends on the other side of the planet. 


Bluer Than Yellow

February 07, 2013  •  1 Comment
one minute ago
I was waiting
for you
just like what I’ve been
since 3:00
now it’s 6:00
and will soon be 6:01
I remain where I am
shadows come and fade
yet your presence
is absent still
and your absence
is real
as I don’t hear 
your footsteps
I don’t smell
your breath
because you are
the bench I'm sitting on
is aching
time is melting away
everything is
bluer than cobalt
and I feel it
but I must be color-blind
because I keep seeing
the sad part is
you never said
you were coming
 ...why I’m still waiting
is a question 
just as confusing
as why I see YELLOW
when I’m feeling BLUE.

(artistic?) Pornography

September 26, 2012  •  4 Comments

Walking aimlessly by the beach one morning brought me to a photo op I could never resist. It was serendipity at its best. I wasn’t really keen on taking pictures that morning. I had my camera with me but didn’t really feel the itch for it. I was just enjoying the glorious morning with its early-autumn sun. Being away from my daily clutter of errands while having the deserted seaside all to myself was such a delightful treat. Cell phone switched off. Walking barefoot. Sunglasses on. Vacation mood in high gear. I was alone but not necessarily lonely. It was nirvana to a degree.

In this age of being virtually bombarded with all sorts of “noise,” it is bliss when I get a chance of being completely by myself, feeling like I’m the center of the universe.  It is rarity nowadays. I have to make an effort to be able to experience a moment of serenity. I made it happen that day, though. (And so I thought.)

That very morning the immensity of the sea was all mine. There was music from the subtle roar of the waves. The sand was anticipating for my footprints. Seagulls were flirting for my attention. The sun was winking at me, cheerful and crisp. The sky was an eternal blue with pockets of clouds dancing in random choreography. The gentle wind was calming my senses. Mother Nature was obviously making love with me. And it felt good.

Then the icing on the cake came to view.  I saw a couple floating in the middle of the sea. I sat down and stared at them. They seemingly appeared to be swimming. Or necking. One second they would stick out above the surface, the next they would duck underwater. Suddenly I was not alone anymore. I had company and I became their voyeur. Their movements were very lustful. And yet, poetic. 

Right before my eyes the lovers were foreplaying. Frolicking under the eternal blue sky, under the winking sun, under the dancing clouds. The seagulls were no longer flirting with me; they were eavesdropping on the lovers. The waves rushed to the sand and erased my footprints; their subtle roar applauded the pair. The couple was passionate. Amorous. Erotic. Savoring each other. Hungry on a tryst. I could see them kissing. Lips locked. Earlobes were nibbled. Their chests linked. Two bodies became one. And the sea swallowed them. They were gone. The waves turned eruptive. Growling. And when the lovers surfaced. They laughed. Their ecstasy echoed. And the sea became saltier

As the waves mellowed, the "lovers" transformed. They were a couple of wooden pilings; remnants of an old pier. Inanimate but metaphorical. Twosome seemingly in love.

(While from a distance, I made love with my camera. And started longing. For Someone.)

Celebrate Paul Ryan's 6% Body Fat & Snooki's Birth Canal

September 07, 2012  •  4 Comments


Inanimate Seduction (Frame #13)

I’ve been feeling rusty. My literary craft, specially. I hate to admit that I faltered. Yet again. I was meaning to blahg at least once a week but my dilly-dallying got in the way. As always the case.

I had friends come over. Have had deaths in the family. I’ve been battling emotional turmoil. A few drinks here and there. Started reading a book that’s quite a page-turner. Yard cleaning. Laundry. Running. Archiving my photography collection. Online classes. These are just a few of the many excuses why I just couldn’t get to my writing.

But truth be told, I’m just being ridiculously ridiculous. I really have no reason to be unable to write. I could actually do posting on a daily basis if I wanted to. Culprit: procrastination.

4 weeks have passed. So many interesting topics that I could have written about: 

  • Paul Ryan and his 6% body fat.
  • Snooki’s birth canal.
  •  Mitt Romney over contraception.
  •  Lance Armstrong and his demons.
  • Michelle O’s glorious combo of deltoids/triceps/biceps at the Democratic Convention.
  •  Assad is still on a killing spree.
  •  Anti-Obama movie is surging popularity.
  • DC drivers have been amazingly consistent. Third year in a row as THE WORST DRIVERS IN AMERICA. (It's a miracle I'm still alive after 6 years of being a pedestrian in DC.)
  •  Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream sued the maker of Ben and Cherry’s porn DVDs.
  •  And of course, Prince Harry’s socially relevant FULL MONTY.

How could I have ignored all that? It’s like I’ve been sitting my ass on a treasure chest brimming with ideas. From politics to sports to Hollywood to fitness to world news to porn to royalty. It is a very well-rounded synopsis of what has been shaping the world in the last few weeks; at least according to me.

Inanimate Seduction (Frame #7)

I promise I would delve into these topics and give you a no-nonsense parody of each. One exception is for Assad, for whom I will be purely editorial (I'll try).  I will start tomorrow (procrastination, wink, wink) with topic number one.  Can’t wait to do Paul Ryan and probe into his almost fat-free anatomy. Makes me feel the urge to puke on myself. Realizing that in comparison, I am actually a big, walking lump of a lard with my 60% body fat. Time to barf!

Enuff for today. For now, here's a slideshow of a series of black and white pictures I took of a sculpture done by my brother. This gallery is called INANIMATE SEDUCTION. I hope you can feel the sensual context of the images and have your mind drenched with thoughts of Snooki's birth canal.

Now, I really need to barf!!!

  • If word salad and flight of ideas make you puke then steer away. This isn't for the fainthearted.
  • If you have an IQ score of above 140, this blahg will bore you to death. This is intended for the less gifted specimen.
  • Let it be known that however trivial (or stupid) this blahg may be, intellectual property protection applies. Make no mistake.
  • I make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the correctness and reliability of the text, graphics, links to other sites and any other items accessed from or via this blahg.
  • Under no circumstances shall I be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, for lost revenues, even dismemberment and/or death (ohhh), arising from or in connection with this blahg and the materials contained herein.
  • For questions, I have an answering service that's based in Bulgaria. Call at your own risk. 
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